The membership of this church shall
consist of such persons who have publicly confessed
Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, those who
after due examination by the church as to their
experience, those coming from other Baptist churches
by letter, or by satisfactory substitute
recommendations acceptable by vote of the church and
have been baptized and entered into the Covenant, by
baptism we mean a baptism by emersion.
Section 2 Duties of Members
Members are expected first of all to be
faithful in all duties essential to the Christian
life, to be faithful in attendance of the church
services, to give regularly for the support of the
church and its causes, and to share in its organized
Section 3 Rights of Members
Any member in good standing who does not
hold letters of dismissal is entitled to vote at all
elections and on all questions submitted to the
church in conference, provided that the member is
present, is eligible for consideration by the
membership as candidates for elective offices in the
church., and may participate in the ordinances of
the church as administered by the church..
Section 4 Quorum
The presence of such members as are present at a
regular or special called meeting shall constitute a
quorum. The election of officers, matters of
polity, and financial shall require ten percent of
the active roll of members. To terminate the
services of a pastor, to call a pastor, to borrow
money, to buy or sell property, or amend the
constitution and by-laws shall require twenty-five
percent of the active roll of the membership.
For the purpose of constituting a quorum a member
is defined as an active member of the church in good
Section 5 Termination of Membership
(1)Any member in good standing who desires a
letter to any other Baptist church is entitled to
receive it upon request. In case of moving to
another community he or she should promptly make
such a request.
(2)If a member in good standing request, in
writing, to be released from his or her covenant
obligations to this church, and church deems the
request to be satisfactory after endeavoring to
secure his or her continuance in its fellowship,
such request shall be granted and membership
(3)If a member becomes an offense to this church
and mar its name by reason of immoral or unchristian
like conduct the church may terminate his or her
membership after due notice and hearing, provided
efforts have been made to bring such member to
(4)All requests for termination of the above
mentioned charges shall first be brought before the
deacons who shall then make recommendations to the
(5)The membership that has been terminated by
recommendation of the deacons and vote of the church
shall be restored by vote of the church provided
satisfactory repentance has been shown.
Section 6 Discipline
(1)Should any unhappy differences arise between
or among members; the aggrieved should follow in
tender spirit the rules given by our Lord in the
eighteenth chapter of Matthew.
(2)Should any case of gross breach of covenant
or public scandal occur the deacons shall endeavor
to clear it and if such efforts fail it shall be
reported to the church.
(3)If the church receives a complaint, it must
be made in writing. If the church deems it
necessary for a hearing it shall appoint a time,
place, and determine the proper procedures for that
hearing. The person or persons in question shall be
notified and a copy of the charges given to him,
her, or them.
(4)At such a hearing the accused may call to
his, her, or their aid any member of the church as
counsel. If he, she, or they fail to appear at the
appointed time or fail to give satisfactory reason
for neglect the church may proceed in his, her, or
their absence.
(5)In case of grave difficulty the church may if
requested ask advice of an acceptable counsel from a
neighboring Baptist church.
(6)Any person serving in any position in or of
the church being servants of the church, serve at
the pleasure of the church. Therefore, one found to
have acted in a manner unbecoming a Christian, to
have engaged in immoral or unethical behavior or to
act in a way that brings dishonor upon the Lord’s
church, may be asked to resign his position by the
church. Should he refuse, he may be relieved of his
duties and responsibilities by a two-thirds vote of
those members present at any regular monthly
business meeting or a special called business
(7)Any or all persons attending a church
service, meeting, or function shall act in a kind
and considerate Christ like manner toward others,
maintaining acceptable behavior at all times.
Failure to do so may result in being asked to leave
the premises.
Section I Polity
The government of this church is vested
in the body of believers that compose its
membership. It is not subject to control by any
other ecclesiastical body, but recognizes mutual
cooperation and counsel among the missionary Baptist
Sesction II Doctrine
The church accepts the scriptures as
its authority in matters of doctrine. The Christian
faith contained therein as its essential belief of
Baptist churches as indicated in its faith herein.
(1)A pastor shall be chosen and called by the
church whenever a vacancy occurs. His election
shall take place at a meeting called for that
purpose. A pulpit committee shall seek a suitable
pastor and their recommendation shall constitute a
nomination. However, any member shall have the
privilege to make recommendations to the pulpit
committee. Election of a pastor shall be by
three-fourths of those present to elect. A
unanimous vote would be more desirable.
(2)The pastor thus elected shall serve until his
services are terminated by mutual consent with the
church, by 2 weeks notice of resignation from the
pastor or by majority vote of the church. If by
vote of the church, his services shall not exceed
thirty days. His pastorage shall if warranted may
be reviewed annually by the deacons and their
recommendation made to the church.
(3)The pastor shall preside at all church
meetings except as herein provided by the by-laws.
Section 1 Duties of the Deacons
(1)The duties shall be in accordance with word
and practice of the New Testament. Deacons are to
be servants of the church. They are to be zealous
to guard the unity of the church in bonds of peace.
(2)They shall serve as a council of advice and
conference with the pastor and trustees in all
matters pertaining to the welfare of the church and
its growth in the Kingdom of God. They are to know
the physical and spiritual needs of the members and
to serve and encourage the meeting of those needs.
(3)They are to counsel with the pastor as the
Holy Spirit may direct in accordance with the New
Testament teachings and have oversight discipline of
the church. They shall be free to call upon any
member of the church to aid in disciplinary action.
(4)They shall serve as a pulpit committee in the
absence or inability of the pastor to fulfill his
duties to the church. The deacons shall arrange for
the temporary ministry. This shall in no way
interfere in the method by which the church secures
a new pastor.
(5)The deacons shall serve as general finance
committee and be free to call upon the trustees and
other members to assist in the church work as
needed. They shall assist with the raising of funds
and if requested by the church prepare an annual
(6)No contracts for supplies, materials, and
pledging of credit shall be made without the
recommendation of the deacons and approval of the
church unless otherwise authorized in and by these
by-laws. The church may give general authorization
for normal supplies and general items.
(7)Payment for all supplies, materials, and
services shall be made promptly by the church
treasurer or treasurer of the building fund provided
a proper voucher is approved or authorized by
majority vote of the church.
(8)All money collected by and through the Sunday
School, and other organizations shall be duly
recorded and reported to the church each month at
business meeting.
(9)There may be an annual audit of all books and
accounts of the church. The audit committee shall
be composed of the chairman and of the deacons and
the trustees.
(10)The deacons shall meet at least once each month
to discuss any business necessary to the welfare of
the church. They shall make a quarterly report to
the church at a regular business meeting. A set of
minutes shall be kept of all deacons meeting and a
copy filed with the church clerk.
(11)The deacons shall meet at the request of the
chairman or upon the request of two deacons to
discuss any special business of the church. All
deacons shall be notified if available to attend
each meeting. Pastor and trustees may attend by
(12)Each deacon shall be free to confer with the
pastor about all matters concerning the growth of
decline of the church attendance. Also, any matter
concerning discipline in the church.
The pastor shall be the
church moderator unless he desires that the church
elect a moderator in his stead. In the absence of
the pastor as moderator, the chairman of the deacons
shall preside. In the absence of both, the clerk
will protem the meeting. No person shall preside as
moderator if a personal matter is involved.
The clerk of the church
shall keep a suitable record book of all actions of
the church. A register of all churches members
shall be kept with the name of each member, date of
admission, baptism, dismissal, or death. He or she
shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the
church, keep on record all communications and
written reports. The clerk shall consider it a part
of his or her duty to promote loyalty and efficiency
in the church. The clerk shall be elected annually
by the church.
It shall be his or duty to receive,
preserve, and pay out upon receipt of proper
vouchers approved and signed by designated person.
Payment of all bills and expenses shall be made
promptly by check.
It shall be the responsibility of the
treasurer to render monthly an itemized report to
the church at its regular business meeting. The
treasurer’s book shall be open to any member at any
time. A gift by an individual shall not be open to
the members.
Organizations and Committees
All organizations and committees shall
be under the control of the church. All officers
are to be elected by majority vote of the church at
a regular business meeting.
At a regular business meeting three
months before the closing of the year a committee
consisting of the Sunday School Superintendent and
Pastor shall nominate officers for the ensuing year.
The committee shall seek persons
suitable for office and obtain from members a desire
to be an officer. Those names shall be made known
to the church and elected by majority vote at the
regular business meeting in September.
Standing Committee The following shall compose the standing
Committee of Trustees
Committee on the Lord’s Supper
Executive Board
Building and Grounds
Church Council
Homecoming Committee
Youth Committee
Kitchen Committee
Decorating Committee
Personnel Committee
An audit committee shall make an audit at the end of
the year and present to the church for approval.
This is to be presented at regular business meeting
in January, when requested by the church.
The treasurer upon his or her
resignation or election of a successor shall
promptly turn over all books, records, accounts, and
receipts pertaining to that office. The treasurer
shall consider it a responsibility to promote
spiritual giving to the financial growth of the
The treasurer shall be responsible for
ordering all necessary materials for Sunday School
and other programs.
The treasurer shall be an elected
officer in the church.
The youth minister(s) shall be hired by
majority vote and approved by the church. He, she,
or they shall cooperate with the church officers in
providing an appropriate program to promote
Christian ideals among the youth of the church and
community. He, she, or they may resign upon proper
notice to the church or until a successor shall have
been chosen. The church by majority vote may
terminate his, her, or their services.
He or she shall be responsible for promoting growth
and leadership in each Sunday School department. He
or she may terminate his or her service upon proper
notice upon to the church, or until a successor has
been elected by the church. The Sunday School
Superintendent shall be an elected officer.
The trustees shall consist of three
members. They shall be elected by the church at a
regular business meeting by majority vote and serve
a three year term rotating off at the end of their
term, one rotating off each year. They may be
re-elected if they chose to serve more that one
term. They shall elect a chairman from among the
committee. They may resign at any time by giving
proper notice in writing or in person. A member
chosen to complete an unfinished term may be
They shall not have power to buy, sell,
lease, transfer, or mortgage property without first
meeting with the deacons and getting approval of the
church, but can make purchases up to $300 for
repairs, seeking approval of any amount greater from
the church.
The deacons shall name from their number
a committee to be responsible for preparation of the
Lord’s Supper and conducting the observation
The deacons shall name from their number
assisted by two women chosen to make arrangements
for the ordinance of baptism, and render assistance
to the pastor and candidates as may be necessary.
The church shall be represented on the
executive board by the pastor and two members chosen
by the church. They shall attend the executive
board meeting as often as possible.
Four ushers shall be chosen by the
church to collect the offering and welcome any
visitors into the church. They shall be chosen for
a quarterly time period, and may serve as many terms
as desired.
Special Funds
1.Special funds may be sought by the church or
any church organization upon approval by the
church. This does not preclude individuals from
making special offerings to promote church causes as
the Spirit of God may lead.
2.It is understood that membership in this
church involves financial obligations to support the
church and its causes. Member shall be aware of the
church budget and costs to operate on a budget.
Section 1 Worship Service
1.Worship services shall be held weekly on the
Lord’s Day and Wednesday evenings. The first
Wednesday of each month shall be designated as
business meeting. Services shall be open to anyone
wishing to attend.
2.The Lord’s Supper shall be observed each 5th
Sunday morning.
Section 2 Business
1.At any regular worship service the church may
without special notice act upon the reception of new
members or appointing messengers to councils.
2.The pastor or moderator may and shall when
requested by the deacons, trustees, or standing
committee call a special business meeting the
purpose of the meeting being clearly stated.
3.Special meetings may be called by the clerk
upon written request of five adults’ members. The
time and purpose of the meeting shall be clearly
stated at the services on the Lord’s Day proceeding
the day fixed for such a meeting.
4.All business meetings shall be governed by
“Roberts’ Rule of Order”.
5.Publication in the church bulletin prior to
the monthly business meeting or special meeting
shall state any pending business of which notice is
Regulations for use of Church property
Pleasant Point Baptist Church is an Organization
based on values and doctrine found in the Holy
such, those wishing to use our facilities must agree
to certain stipulations, which are developed to more
greatly insure that those facilities are not used in
a way that would be contrary to the will, beliefs
and doctrines of the church body.
Following is a partial list of those stipulations:
1.Use of tobacco and alcohol will not be
allowed on church property.
2.The building is be left in a condition
similar to the way it was found
3.Since marriage is explained in detail as the
union between a man and a woman and is consider
to be a holy union, this is the only marriage
ceremony that the church facilities may be used for.
4.Those using the property will be subject to
pay a fee up front.
5. The users will be responsible for furnishing
their own utensils, plates, cups, and tablecloths.
6.The person making application to use the
facility will be responsible to sign a statement of
understanding on the stipulations of use.
This constitution and by-laws may be
amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present
at a regular business meeting or specially called
meeting for the purpose of amending. Any proposed
change having been brought before the church, read
and laid over one month, may be voted on at the next
regular business meeting.